Prepared On: 5/20/2024
Blue Sky Product Photography

Your Quote

Clothing Products - Number of Images

In the boxes below, specify how many individual images and how many group images of clothing products you would need.

For example, you have a set of 3 mugs. You need an individual photograph of each mug, and a photograph of all three mugs together (4 images in total). This will count as three Single Item shots, and one Small Group shot.

Single Item
(1 - 2 items)

Product Image

Small Group
(3 - 5 items)

Small Group

Medium Group
(6 - 9 items)

Medium Group

Large Group
(10+ items)

Large Group
How many photos will include a clipping path ?
How many photos will contain a highly reflective object ?
A single order cannot exceed 99 images per category. Your order currently contains {{imagesTotal()}} images. We recommend splitting your order into {{imagesTotal() / maxImageCount + 0.499 | number:0}} separate orders.